
Recommended Areas for Gua Sha Massage

Facial Region

Facial gua sha massage is a gentle procedure focusing on revitalizing the skin’s vitality and radiance. This procedure is effective at healing facial skin and achieving a more youthful appearance.

  • Forehead
    Start from the center of the forehead and move towards the hairline to relieve tension and smooth out wrinkles.
  • Cheekbones
    Move from the base of the nose along the cheekbones to the ears.
  • Chin
    Move from the center of the chin along the jawline to the ears.


Hand gua sha massage releases tension from the fine muscles and restores energy channels in the body, bringing balance and inner peace.

  • Front of the Hands: Start the movement from the wrist to the inner elbow. Continue from the inner elbow towards the shoulder. Then repeat the procedure on the other hand.
  • Back of the Hands: Start the movement from the wrist to the elbow. Continue the movement from the elbow to the shoulder. Then repeat the procedure on the other hand.


Neck gua sha massage helps alleviate neck pain, relax tense muscles, and improve circulation.

  • Start at the top of the neck and move towards the shoulders.
  • Repeat the movement on both sides of the neck.


Abdominal massage promotes the health of the digestive system, helps remove waste products, and improves overall body wellness.

  • Place the gua sha stone around the navel and smoothly move the stone to the sides.
  • Place the stone on the lower abdomen and move up to the upper abdomen.
  • Perform circular movements clockwise.


Leg massage with gua sha helps to relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and enhance overall well-being of the legs. It also reduces swelling and provides relaxation.

  • Front of the Legs: Start the movement on the inside and outside of the shin from the ankle to the knee. Smoothly move the stone from the knee up along the thigh to the lower abdomen. Then repeat the procedure on the other leg.
  • Back of the Legs: Start upward movements from the shin area and move along the ankle to the back of the knee. Move the stone from the back of the knee upwards to the buttocks. Then repeat the procedure on the other leg.

Repeat each movement 3–5 times. The frequency of gua sha massage can vary depending on your individual needs and skin type. The general recommendation is to perform gua sha massage on the face and body 2–3 times a week. This gives the skin enough time to recover and allows you to observe how your skin responds to the massage. It is important to listen to your body and adjust the frequency of the massage according to your personal comfort and reaction.

Additionally, it is important to remember that gua sha massage should not cause skin irritation and discomfort.

Consult a doctor before starting gua sha massage if you have health issues, skin problems, circulation disorders, have recently undergone surgery, or are pregnant.

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